1. Q: What is a Consumer Rewards system?

    A: A Consumer Rewards system is a platform that incentivizes customers to make purchases or engage with a particular brand by offering rewards, such as Cash Back Rewards, Infinite Rewards, and Consumer Care Rewards. The goal of these programs is to build customer loyalty and increase profitability of empowered businesses and consumers.

    Q: How does a Consumer Rewards system work?

    A: A Consumer Rewards system typically involves customers signing up for a membership or loyalty program, and then earning rewards by making purchases and referral system. Our consumer rewards system is easy to use and convenient with the power mobile application and web system, e-wallet feature allows you to easily track your rewards and group of consumer transactions. You can redeem your rewards at any time, without having to worry about losing physical cards or coupons.

    Q: What are the benefits of using a Consumer Rewards system?

    A: Consumer Rewards systems offer several benefits for both customers and brands. For customers, these programs can provide multi-faceted rewards, powerful E-wallet System, and unique referral system which consumers can earn infinite rewards. For brands, these programs can increase customer engagement, drive repeat business, and help build brand loyalty.

    Q: How do I enrol in a Consumer Rewards program?

    A: To enrol in a Consumer Rewards System, you can usually sign up online through referral link provided by your sponsor. You can enrol initially as a shopper and activate it to be a Consumer Associate.

    Q: What is the difference of Shoppers and Consumer Associates?

    A: Shoppers may earn a rewards from the system (cash back, Infinite rewards, and consumer care rewards), but can redeem only by using it to purchase any item from the platform, in short it cannot redeem as monetary or cash equivalent.  But Consumer Associate can use E-wallet to transfer his/her rewards to their respective bank accounts.

    Q: How to become Consumer Associates?

    A: From being shopper you can activate your account using your Mobile Application or web system, click ACTIVATE from your dashboard and just purchase any products from activation package selection from the system, after that automatically your account will be upgraded to Consumer Associate.

    Q: How do I earn rewards in a Consumer Rewards program?

    A: To earn in a Consumer Rewards System, you typically need to make purchases and sharing the system to your families and friends using our referral link system. Every amount consumer spent in the market has corresponding point value. One point is equivalent one dirham (AED 1.00) the points you’ve earn from your personal purchased and from your group of consumers the more rewards you will earn from the system.

    Q: How to pay in Physical Store?

    1.      Ensure that you have an e-wallet account with sufficient funds to make the payment.

    2.      Open the e-wallet app on your smartphone or mobile device.

    3.      Select the "pay to vendor" option within the app.

    4.      Scan the QR code displayed at the merchant's point of sale.

    5.      Enter the amount you want to pay and confirm the payment.

    6.      The payment will be processed and deducted from your e-wallet balance.

    7.      The merchant will receive a notification confirming that the payment has been made.

    8.      The payment transaction will appear in your e-wallet transaction history.

    9.      If the payment is successful, you will receive a receipt for the transaction.

    10.   You can exit the app and continue with your purchase.

    Q: How to pay in E-commerce platform?


    1.       Browse the e-commerce website and select the product(s) you wish to purchase.

    2.       Add the selected product(s) to your cart and proceed to the checkout page.

    3.       Fill in your shipping and billing details, including your preferred payment method.

    4.       Select the payment method you want to use, such as a credit card or digital wallet.

    5.       Enter your payment details, including the card or wallet information, and confirm the payment.

    6.       The payment gateway will process the payment and verify the details provided.

    7.       If the payment is successful, you will receive an order confirmation with the transaction ID.

    8.       The e-commerce website will process your order and send you a confirmation email with the expected delivery date.

    9.       The merchant will receive a notification of the payment, and the order fulfilment process will begin.

    10.   Your purchased product(s) will be shipped to the provided shipping address.

    Q: How do I redeem my rewards in a Consumer Rewards program?

    A: To redeem your rewards in a Consumer Rewards program, you may need to log in to your account or provide your membership information at checkout. All rewards after fifteen days (15) can redeem by consumer associates at any time by transferring to your own bank account or you may request cheque from the system.

    Q: Can I transfer my rewards to another person?

    A: Whether or not you can transfer your rewards to another person using your E-wallet as long as they are also Consumer Associate or member of the Consumer Rewards System.

    Q: What happens to my rewards if I cancel my membership in a Consumer Rewards program?

    A: If you cancel your membership in a Consumer Rewards System, you may lose any rewards you have earned. Some programs may have a grace period during which you can redeem your rewards after cancelling your membership, while others may not.

    Q: What happens if there is a problem with my rewards balance or redemption?

    A: If you encounter any issues with your rewards balance or redemption, you should contact our customer service 24/7. They may be able to help resolve the issue or provide more information on how to resolve the problem.

    Q: What is a vendor?

    A: A vendor is a person or company that sells goods or services to customers. Vendors can be manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, or other types of businesses that provide products or services to consumers or other businesses.

    Q: How do I sign up as a vendor on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: To sign up as a vendor on Consumer Rewards System, you must register initially as shopper then activate your account as consumer associate, and using your platform you can automatically upgrade your account as a vendor.

    Q: Is there a fee for becoming a vendor on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: NO, there is no fee for becoming a vendor on Consumer Rewards System. You can just activate your account as consumer associate and upgrade it using your own system in CRS. Vendor also can enjoy the benefits as Consumer Associate, meaning, vendor can enjoy also all the rewards from the system and it can be a rewards program for their employees.

    Q: How do I list my products on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: To list your products on Consumer Rewards System, log in to your vendor account, navigate to the products section, and click on the "Add new product" button. Fill out the required details and click on the "Save" button.

    Q: How do I manage my orders on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: To manage your orders on Consumer Rewards System, log in to your vendor account, navigate to the orders section, and click on the order you want to manage. You can view the details of the order, update the status, and add tracking information.

    Q: How do I receive payments on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: Vendor can get their income using E-wallet system through bank transfer. You can set up your payment options by logging in to your vendor account and navigating to the payment section.

    Q: How does Consumer Rewards System handle disputes between vendors and customers?

    A: Consumer Rewards System has a dispute resolution process in place to handle disputes between vendors and customers. If a customer raises a dispute, both the vendor and the customer will be notified, and Consumer Rewards System will work to resolve the issue in a fair and timely manner.

    Q: Can I offer discounts and promotions on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: Yes, as a vendor, you can offer discounts and promotions on Consumer Rewards System. You can create coupon codes, set up sales, and offer other types of promotions to attract customers.

    Q: How do I manage my inventory on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: To manage your inventory on Consumer Rewards System, log in to your vendor account, navigate to the products section, and click on the product you want to manage. You can update the stock level, set a minimum order quantity, and more.

    Q: How do I track my sales on Consumer Rewards System?

    A: To track your sales on Consumer Rewards System, log in to your vendor account, navigate to the reports section, and view the sales report. You can see your sales by day, week, or month, and filter by product, customer, or other criteria.